
a site specific screen-dance work (2021-22)

visit https://articulateanimal.org/dwell.htm for more information

concept, choreography and performance: Sue Hawksley; dance artists: Tammy Arjona & Billie Cook; video: Richard Hodges; composer/sound artist: Jesse Budel.

Dwell: landscape in the figure is a screen-dance work focusing on threatened ecological communities in South Australia. The central concern of this work is habitat - space, structure, form, dynamics, diversity etc., - and the potential impacts of its loss. This will be explored through dance, sound, and image deriving from three diverse habitat types - coastal, forest and wetland - with consideration for particular endangered species that live there. This work will challenge the anthropocentric arts tradition of the 'figure in the landscape'; rather, through deep listening and observation of the environments and particular species, the creative approach aims to embody the 'landscape in the figure'. It aims to raise the profile of threatened habitats, highlight the implications of their loss, and the potential for return through natural and assisted recovery processes.

DWELL has been screened at the following festivals and exhibitions:

  • WORLD PREMIERE: FlorenceDanceOnScreen Festival - Florence, Italy. May 2023.

  • 3rd International Festival of Ecoperformance - São Paulo, Brazil and online - June 2023.

  • International Dance and Somatic Practices Conference - Coventry University International - July 2023.

  • Solastalgia: loss and return exhibition - Coral Street Art Space, Victor Harbor, South Australia - August 2023.

This project is made possible by the Australian Government's Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia.